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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and the Modernization of Turkey

secular- of or pertaining to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred; temporal
Mustafa Kemal modernized Turkey and made it more secular in a way that he let people practice their religion without any interruptions. They were allowed to follow their faith in any way that they wanted to. He said that " the new Turkish State is a state of the people and a state by the people." This means that Turkey was made for the people by the people. According to the article “Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - Social Reforms” it says that “To give his nation a modern outlook, Atatürk introduced many reforms: European hats replaced the fez; women stopped wearing the veil; all citizens took surnames; and the Islamic calendar gave way to the Western calendar. A vast transformation took place in the urban and rural life. It can be said that few nations have ever experienced anything comparable to the social change in Atatürk's Turkey.”

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Germany and The Treaty of Versailles

Germany and the Treaty of Versailles is a short documentary about the first world war and the effect that it had on Germany. Germany was blamed for all the war damage that was made, meaning that Germany had to pay for war repairs. Germany also lost 10% of their land, which was divided by the Allies. There economy declined greatly because the goods they were producing were being given to the allies, therefore they couldnt keep their economy strong. This also made many Germans starve because they had to give up their goods and they had no money to eat making people starve. Germany suffered greatly economically.

Friday, February 9, 2007

1.answer- gandhi is a man that help all the indians people from the british because the british control india, he try to make india a freeland by making boycotts, and also he told people to make their own clothing instead of buying to the enemy and the british want to sell the salt to the indians but they didnt want to they use the salt from the ocean.

2.answer- gandhi always said that never fight like the british because they always fight but hiting and being rud and he always said that be justice