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Monday, March 26, 2007

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

The film "Night and Fog" depicted the Holocaust as more realistic then in "Schindler's List" because it shows how the people were mistreated and how they died. This movie was very powerful because it shows how people died and we can also see dead bodies and it shows in depth what really happened during the holocaust. This film was more efficient than "Schindler's List" because it emphasizes the view of the life during the Holocaust. The Hollywood version emphasized the Holocaust better because it greatly shows what really happened in the Holocaust.

Film Lesson: "Schindlers List"

"Schindler's List" is a movie that explained the Holocaust in a way that most people picture but not in the way that it actually happened. It shows how people died and how people were also mistreated. THis movies shows how the Jews were enslaved and that man were put to work while they killed the women. They also killed the children.
One of the scenes that would stay with me was the one that included that children because we can clearly see how the children were treated at that time. It shows that children were treated as they were adults and also children were put to death because of the fact that they were useless to Germans.

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

The attack that the US took on Japan in 1945 was a big one because there was an atomic bombed use which wiped out a whole lot pf people. I think this was by far the biggest news article of the century because it was something that destroyed people both good and bad and also it destroyed a whole city which was very brutal because it destroyed thousands of people.
There was a story something around as big as this one and it was the attack on the Twin Towers which left many people dead. This was a terrorist attack which did not include atomic bombs but it was destroyed because of the two planes that crashed into the towers. This was not as big but I think it should be on the top 100. According to the list this is the only thing I would consider putting in the top 100.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Germany at War - WW II

Propaganda means publicity to promote something: information or publicity put out by an organization or government to spread and promote a policy, idea, doctrine, or cause.

The Nazi propaganda means that the Germans are on top of things and that they are the ones who have control or a willing to take control over all the other nations. The writing on the poster if translated into English means "Europe's victory is your prosperity." This is trying to show that if Germany were to lose then everyone in Europe may be living a life of crime which will eventually cause many deaths of innocent people.

In the poster we can see that Germany is on top of everything meaning that the other nations are depicted as being destroyed and also that Germany has control over them. Germany has the power to control the nations around it, according to the poster. In the poster we see that Germany has destroyed Germany and that there also is a cross with Winston Churchill's name on it. We can also see that there is a iron fist hitting Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union. The Cradle in the poster shows security and the land shows prosperity.