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Friday, April 27, 2007

Africa Independence

Africa changed increased a great deal in the 20 year period from 1955 to 1975. In 1955 Africa had very few independent countries. Many of Africa's countries were controlled by the colonies. In 1975 most of Africa was independent countries but there were three countries that were still controlled by the colonies. Some of the Leaders that helped Africa gain their independente was a man named Kwame Nkrumah. He returned to the Gold Coast and he helped stage strikes and riots against the government. Kwame Nkrumah became the first minister and later the President of Ghana. Another Leader that helped Africa get their independent was Jomo Kenyatta became the President of the new nation which was Kenya. Finally he united various ethnic and language groups in his country.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Neolithic Revolution

Hundreds of years ago the Neolithic Revolution was a major turning point in human history. Before the Neolithic era humans were know as nomads who traveled from place to place in order to survive. They went hunting and gather food for survival. But later on the people started too settled down in one place which was sometimes near rivers and they learn to grow crops and domesticate animals. This time period became known as the Neolithic Revolution. As they were settling down they created social classes, and discovered many new things. The Neolithic farmers created calendars to keep track of when to plant and harvest there food in order to maintain a stable life. Through out the years, if they continued to kill animals wherever they went, the extinction of species would taken place, which lead to starve and eventually led the end of human existence.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The European Nation

For a time period of time Europe was the scene of recurrent and bloody wars. France and Germany fought each other three times wit a lot of fatalities. Several European leaders became convinced that the only way to secure a lasting peace between their countries was to unite them economically and politically. Their last verdict was to make the European Union an alliance of 25 nations that has changed the face of Europe. This union has been successful since it has created a new superpower in the world. The European Union is now an economic and political superpower that competes with the USA. Well now this economic union was successful and grew into other economic unions. Now the EU has its own parliament, military, and various organizations and committees that help maintain cooperation and trade between the EU member nations. Now the same nations who used to fight and kill each other are now together economically, politically, socially, and militarily which basically means that the probability that this countries would want to start war is very tiny.

Film Lesson: The Right Stuff

In the movie The Right Stuff the US and the USRR were competing in the Space Race. Both sides were trying to see who would get the first man up into space. In my point of view the Russians were the winners because they were the first to send up a satellite and the first again to send a human being into space. Well the US had an advantage of about two weeks to send there first man in Space but they wasted time on getting people and the Russians received that chance to go ahead of them. The US were ashamed by this because while the Russians were sending a real man we sent a chimp. After a few years and a few failed rocket designs the US finally got a rocket to fly. They were able to send a man named Alan Shepherd who was a fighter pilot into space. We finally passed the USRR in the race because he orbited the earth more times than the Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin did.
Well there were many scenes from this movie that will remind me of the Cold War. One scene that really caught to me was the breaking of the sound barrier. This really put the US in advantageous position. Another scene that will help bring back memories to me is the failed attempts of the US to get rockets to launch. Also the scene with Russia sending a man to space first is another scene I would also remember .This movie really helped me out a lot and it gave me perspective of the cold war.

Cuban Missile Crisis

In October 1962, an event called the Cuban Missile Crisis which was when the world was closest to a nuclear war. The nuclear missiles were installed by the Soviet just 90 miles off the coast of the United States. The Cuban Missile Crisis was part of the cold war, which also included the NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Nuclear weapons were build by the Warsaw while they were competing with the NATO after World War II. They were trying to build stronger weapons and mutual defense group to go against one another. The Warsaw was related to Cuban Missile crisis because they both wanted strong nuclear weapons.
The missiles were so close and everyone knows if one place is getting bomb the nations that sent the bomb is going to get a bomb. Well because of the organization NATO, the nations were going to defend each other. So if one bomb went off, many were going to go off weather people liked it or not. Well to combat this crises Kennedy tried to take out the missiles out of Cuba in a peaceful way and accomplished it.

NATO and the Warsaw Pact

NATO means the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which was formed between 12 countries from North America to Europe. Well the countries which were involved in the NATO wanted a mutual defense alliance because they knew that if one country is going to be involved in a war, and then other countries in NATO could back up and help them, so in this case they can form a stronger defensive group. After World War II many countries in Western Europe were in a great chaos and most of them became weak politically and militarily because they lost hundreds of soldiers and weren’t able to go on war with other countries that quickly. So the NATO decided to help these countries who had suffered a lot after World War II to form a strong defensive group against the spread of communist which is also known as the "iron curtain" which was establish between the Soviet Union and the Western Europe from 1945-1990. Well soon the relationship between the Soviet Union and the western had worsened and the NATO importance began to grow. By the year 1979 the NATO wanted to build up a defense by stopping the Soviet Union from building their nuclear weapons, but the Soviet Union didn’t stop they continue to build nuclear weapons. Well they also created a mutual defense alliance which was similar to the NATO but it was called the Warsaw Pact. The Warsaw pact deals mostly with satellites and it controls the alliances better by keeping the military organize in other countries of the alliance. The Soviet Union gain power quickly and became very powerful, so therefore socialist government was protected.