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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

Perestroika is a Russian word that means restructuring, which means to the reform in the Soviet Union. Perestroika means a policy so that the Soviet Union could change the economic and political system.

Glasnost is a policy that when the Soviet Union discussed the economic and political problems of the country.

There was a man named Mikhail Gorbachev who opened Churches and allows books to be published that were normally band. He also allowed the people of the country to talk openly about ways to improve there homeland. This allowed the people to complain publicly about problems so the problem can be solved. Also he let managers have more control over there farmland and other belongings. He also allowed the people to choose from a list of people for the legislative body instead of being run by one single government. An improvement was made because of him because before the Communist society would have no say any thing and wouldn’t be listened to.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Collapse of Communism

Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe and the USSR basically because communism wasn’t being as effective for them. They began to run out of money and it just getting worse. People tore down the Berlin Wall because they were upset that they weren't able to go to the other side of Germany. It was completely blocked because East Germany believed in communism and West Germany did not. Well for 28 years, no one was able to cross the border. Those who attempted were shot and other harsh treatments. After the countries had their own independence, prices increase from shock remedy where the government doesn't involve with the economy. Therefore people started getting higher paying jobs. The end of communism in the Soviet Union helped the world to feel more relaxed because they wouldn't have to fear that they would attack those who weren't communists. They were no longer isolating themselves anymore. And now, the Soviet Union turned to republicans as a result.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Creation of Israel

Zionism is a Jewish movement, established in the late 19th century in the state of Israel. The conflict that occurred when Israel was created was that Israel was attacked the next day by the Arab states and Palestinians, and their neighboring countries. All of Israel's neighboring countries were their enemies. The Arab states and the Arabs of Palestine felt Israel should have been theirs. The Palestinians and Israelis do not get along because they both want the land. From time, Israel lost that land because there were many countries in history that took over the land. The Holy land was ruled by the Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Romans, Persians, Muslims, Christian Crusaders, the Ottoman Empire, and the British. Well at first the land belonged to the Jewish but was conquered the year after year and Palestinians began to live there. Palestinians felt that God wants to have that land and the Jews felt the same. At the end the Palestinians lost the war of 1948 and still today feel very angry at the Jews for taking their land.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

From what I have read the term Apartheid means to separate and in this era, it means separating races from each other. It’s a racial term that existed in South Africa. Nelson Mandela was a fighter before he was chosen as South Africa's leader. He was a leader in an underground political movement called the African National Congress. He acted out many parts that were against the white-ruled government. But this didn't last long when he was sentenced to life in prison. While in prison he was determined to be type support of hope for his people who went on with their lives with the Apartheid while he was in prison. He was finally set free in 1990, being in prison for 27 years. The day of his release was the beginning of the end of the Apartheid and he was rewarded with the Nobel Prize and elected to be the President in South Africa. Mandela fought for unity and women rights and thanks to his courage and determination, Apartheid was forbidden. Mandela was admired by the author because he got the freedom for his people and country (South Africa).